Senin, 08 November 2021

Biography ~ Part 1 & 2


Hi everyone, back again with Yuli's blog. at this meeting I will discuss material about biography. So, do you know what a biography is? For more details, check out my blog

Definition of Biographical Text

Biographical text is a writing that reviews a person's life or a person's life story while he is still alive. A short biography only discusses the facts that occur in a person's life and their important function for the environment.

A long biography includes information that has important characteristics, but is told more clearly and completely and also wrapped in a good and interesting story style. A biography is a book that describes events that a person is currently experiencing or has experienced.

Through this biography we can find a communication or relationship, apart from finding a relationship we can also get information or also an explanation of an action and also the mystery that covers a person's life.


Characteristics of Biographical Text

  • Biographical texts must carry information based on facts to the character being narrated in narrative form.
  • Biographical texts also bring a reality of a character's life experiences to solve problems until they are finally successful, so that they must be used as role models.
  • This biographical text has a clear structure. Its structure consists of orientation, problem and reorientation.


Elements of Linguistic Rules for Biographical Texts

1. Connections

A conjunction is a word that has a function as a link between one word and other words in a word or sentence and also a conjunction between one sentence and other sentences. Suppose an example is like this: therefore, however, even though it is like that, it is not only that.

2. Word Reference

A word reference is a word which states to another word that has been said before. This reference word is divided into several parts, including:

  • Word refer to place. For example: Here, there, there.
  • The word refer people. For example: Him, he, he, them and him.
  • The word refers to the object or problem. For example: This, that, and that.

3. Event, Time and Place

In a biographical text, there are words that have a function to show events, times and places that have been or are being experienced by a character.

4. Verbs

Verbs or commonly referred to as verbs are a group of words that discuss a problem that is done by a character. This verb is divided into two parts, namely based on form and based on type.

1.    Verbs Based on Forms

The basic verb is a verb that is still in its original form, where the meaning of this verb has not been derived either a prefix, a suffix or an insertion. For example: fair, invite, and take

2.    Verb based on affix

An affixed verb is a verb that has found an addition, either in the form of a prefix, suffix or insertion.

Types of Biographies

1. Based on the Biography of the Author

Based on the author, this biographical text is divided into 2 parts, including:

  • Autobiography, is a biography that is self-quoted by the character or people concerned with the autobiography
  • Biography, is a biography that is quoted or written by another person with the direct permission of the character he will tell in a written work.

2. Biography based on its contents

Based on its contents, this biographical text is divided into 2 parts. Among them are:

  • A biography about the journey of life, is a biography that tells or tells about the life journey of a person or also commonly referred to as a character who is written completely and clearly or also written briefly.
  • A biography about a career journey, is a biography in which tells or tells about the career journey of a character from the beginning of the journey until he succeeds in achieving success and achieving all his dreams that he has dreamed of so far.

3. Biography Based on the Issues Reviewed

Based on the issues reviewed or discussed, this biographical text is divided into 2 parts. Among them are:

  • The book itself is a biography which all costs are borne by yourself or by the person who made the biography.
  • Subsidized books, are biographies whose formation or production is financed by the sponsor, whether in terms of writing costs, from printing costs, even from other unexpected costs borne by the sponsor.

Biographical Text Structure

The structure of this biographical text is divided into 3 parts, including:

1. Orientation

Orientation is a part which explains or explains the character's introductions, which contains the character being narrated or being told in the biography.

2. Events / Events and Problems

In the event or event part, it is the parts or aspects in which it contains an incident or event that someone has already encountered. This includes the problems he has faced in achieving a goal and dreams in his life. Very interesting, amazing, impressive, and also sad problems that have ever been encountered by a character who is discussed or described in this section.

3. Reorientation

What is 'Reorientation'? Reorintas is the concluding part of the biography. This aspect contains the writer's views on the characters who are being told in the biography. This reorientation has an optional character, which means that this section may or may not be included.

How to Make a Biography

The following is the structure for making a biography

  • Family's background

Here tells about his family in the form of both parents, place and date of birth, what the child is, and tells his brother.

  • Educational background

Contains the education that has been achieved up to now along with the year and name of the school. And it starts with a new paragraph

  • Achievement Background

Contains all the achievements that have been obtained since childhood until now.

  • Work Background

If you are already working then register it but if you are still a student these points can be deleted. But if it works, then explain the job.

  • Work Background

This is especially for those who have worked and again for students, these points can be omitted.

For more details, friends, you can watch the video below about biography

Besides the video above, as for my video about biography

Example of Biography
🌹🌹famous Person

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie known as BJ. Habibie was born on June 25, 1936. He was the Third President of the Republic of Indonesia (1998–1999). Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. His father was an agriculturist from Gorontalo of Bugis descent and his mother was a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta. His parents met while studying in Bogor. When he was 14 years old, Habibie's father died.

He remained in Germany as a research assistant under Hans Ebner at the Lehrstuhl und Institut für Leichtbau, RWTH Aachen to conduct research for his doctoral degree.

In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick leave. During this time, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the daughter of R. Mohamad Besari. The two married on 12 May 1962, returning to Germany shortly afterwards. Habibie and his wife settled in Aachen for a short period before moving to Oberforstbach. In May 1963 they had their first son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie.

When Habibie's minimum wage salary forced him into part-time work, he found employment with the Automotive Marque Talbot, where he became an advisor. Habibie worked on two projects which received funding from the Deutsche Bundesbahn. Due to his work with Makosh, the head of train constructions offered his position to Habibie upon his retirement three years later, but Habibie refused.

Habibie did accept a position with Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Hamburg. There, he developed theories on thermodynamics, construction, and aerodynamics known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie Theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively. He worked for Messerschmit on the development of the Airbus A-300B aircraft. In 1974, he was promoted to vice president of the company.

In 1974, Suharto requested Habibie to return to Indonesia as part of Suharto's drive to develop the country. Habibie was initially served as a special assistant to Ibnu Sutowo, the CEO of the state oil company Pertamina. Two years later, in 1976, Habibie was made Chief Executive Officer of the new state-owned enterprise Nusantara Aircraft Industry (IPTN). In 1978, he was appointed as Minister of Research and Technology. Habibie was elected vice president in March 1998.

On 21 May 1998, Suharto publicly announced his resignation and Habibie was immediately sworn in as president. Habibie's government stabilized the economy in the face of the Asian financial crisis and the chaos of the last few months of Suharto's presidency. Since relinquishing the presidency, Habibie has spent more time in Germany than in Indonesia. However, he has also been active as a presidential adviser during Susilo Bambang Yudoyono's presidency. In September 2006, he released a book called Decisive Moments: Indonesia's Long Road Towards Democracy (Decisive Moments: Indonesia's Long Road Towards Democracy). The book recalled the events of May 1998.

The following is a biography video about B.J. Habibie

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell (/ˈɡreɪ.É™m/; born Alexander Bell, March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922)[3] was a Scottish-born[N 2] inventor, scientist, and engineer who is credited with inventing and patenting the first practical telephone. He also co-founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.[6]

Bell's father, grandfather, and brother had all been associated with work on elocution and speech and both his mother and wife were deaf; profoundly influencing Bell's life's work.[7] His research on hearing and speech further led him to experiment with hearing devices which eventually culminated in Bell being awarded the first U.S. patent for the telephone, on March 7, 1876.[N 3] Bell considered his invention an intrusion on his real work as a scientist and refused to have a telephone in his study.[8][N 4]

Many other inventions marked Bell's later life, including groundbreaking work in optical telecommunications, hydrofoils, and aeronautics. Although Bell was not one of the 33 founders[10] of the National Geographic Society, he had a strong influence on the magazine while serving as the second president from January 7, 1898, until 1903.[11]

Beyond his scientific work, Bell had a deep interest in the emerging science of heredity.[12]

Alexander Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847.[13] The family home was at South Charlotte Street, and has a stone inscription marking it as Alexander Graham Bell's birthplace. He had two brothers: Melville James Bell (1845–1870) and Edward Charles Bell (1848–1867), both of whom would die of tuberculosis.[14] His father was Professor Alexander Melville Bell, a phonetician, and his mother was Eliza Grace Bell (née Symonds).[15] Born as just "Alexander Bell", at age 10, he made a plea to his father to have a middle name like his two brothers.[16][N 5] For his 11th birthday, his father acquiesced and allowed him to adopt the name "Graham", chosen out of respect for Alexander Graham, a Canadian being treated by his father who had become a family friend.[17] To close relatives and friends he remained "Aleck".[18]

The following is a biography video about Alexander Graham Bell

🌈🌈Part 1

Biography (Ki Hajar Dewantara)

Ki Hajar Dewantara is a national hero as well as the father of education. His real name is Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat. But in 1922 it was better known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Several sources mention that the Javanese language is Ki Hajar Dewantoro.

Ki Hajar Dewantara was born in Pakualaman area on May 2, 1889 and died in Yogyakarta City on April 26, 1959 when he was 69 years old. Furthermore, the father of education, who is commonly referred to as Soewardi, was an activist for the Indonesian independence movement, a politician, columnist, and a pioneer of education for Indonesians when Indonesia was still controlled by the Dutch East Indies.

Ki Hajar Dewantara is the founder of Perguruan Taman Siswa, an educational organization that provides opportunities for natives to get equal education rights like priyayi and Dutch people. Ki Hajar Dewantara who was born on May 2, is now celebrated in Indonesia as National Education Day.

Ki Hajar Dewantara has three famous slogans, namely Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho which means in front of giving an example, Ing Madya Mangun Karso which means in the middle of giving encouragement and Tut Wuri Handayani which means behind giving encouragement.

One of the three slogans made by Ki Hajar Dewantara, namely tut wuri handayani, has become the slogan of the Indonesian Ministry of National Education to this day. For his services, his name was also immortalized on an Indonesian warship, KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara.

Ki Hajar Dewantara's portrait was also immortalized on twenty thousand rupiah banknotes in 1998. Seven months after his death, Ki Hajar Dewantara was appointed the second national hero by the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, on November 28, 1959 according to the Presidential Decree of the Republic. Indonesian No. 305 of 1959.

Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara: Struggles from Youth

Ki Hajar Dewantara who was born in the family environment of Pakualaman Regency. He is the son of GPH Soerjaningrat or the grandson of Pakualam III. He succeeded in completing basic education at ELS or some kind of elementary school in the Dutch era. Then Ki Hajar Dewantara continued his studies at STOVIA, which is a special medical school for local boys but was unable to complete it due to illness.

Then Ki Hajar Dewantara entered the world of journalists. He worked as a journalist and writer for several newspapers. Examples include Midden Java, Soeditomo, De Expres, Kaoem Moeda, Oetoesan Hindia, Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. During his career as a journalist, Ki Hajar Dewantara was a reliable writer. Ki Hajar Dewantara's writing was easy to understand, communicative and full of anti-colonialism.

Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara: Early Career as a Journalist

Talking about the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara himself, even though he had attended a medical school, but because he did not graduate due to his health condition, he then decided to work in newspapers, including Sediotomo, then also Midden Java, De Expres, Oetoesan Hindia. Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and also the Poesara newspaper, during his time as a journalist he was a very reliable writer. Because indeed all of his writings are communicative and also sharp and full of enthusiasm.

He even once wrote an article that sparked anger from the Dutch colonial government at that time which later led to him being arrested and exiled to Bangka Island, even the exile was actually at his own request. until then getting protests from his fellow organizations, namely Douwes Dekker and also Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo, they were known as the 'Tiga Serangkai', until the three of them were exiled, but to the Netherlands.


Movement Activities of Ki Hajar Dewantara

Apart from being painstaking, committed and tenacious as a young journalist, young Ki Hajar Dewantara was also very active in social and political organizations. When Boedi Oetomo (BO) was founded in 1908, Ki Hajar Dewantara joined this organization and he was active in the propaganda section to socialize and raise awareness of the Indonesian people. Especially the Javanese.

Regardless of how the Indonesian people at that time had to be aware of the importance of unity and integrity in the nation and state. The first Boedi Oetomo congress held in Yogyakarta was also arranged by Ki Hajar Dewantara. Apart from Boedi Oetomo, young Ki Hajar Dewantara was also very active in the Insulinde organization. Insulinde is a multiethnic organization that accommodates Indo people.

The goal was to want self-government in the Dutch East Indies. In fact, this idealism was influenced by Ernest Douwes Dekker. Ernest Douwes Dekker or better known by the Indonesian name, Danudirja Setiabudi, was a person of foreign descent who fueled the spirit of anti-colonialism. Then when Douwes Dekker formed the Indische Partij, Ki Hajar Dewantara was also invited to join.

Ki Hajar Dewantara: Als ik een Nederlander Was or I wish I was Dutch

At that time, the Dutch East Indies Government aimed to collect donations from indigenous people. This fund was used to celebrate Dutch independence from France in 1913.

Atas aksi Hindia Belanda ini timbulah reaksi kritis dari golongan berhaluan Perkembangan Nasionalisme Indonesia termasuk Ki Hajar Dewantara muda. Wajar saja karena tingkah Hindia Belanda sangat tidak tahu diri yaitu merayakan kemerdekaan di tanah bangsa yang mereka rebut kemerdekaannya. Ditambah lagi mereka juga mengumpulkan sumbangan dari warga. Ki Hajar Dewantara muda bereaksi dan menulis sebuah artikel berjudul “Een voor Allen maar Ook Allen voor Een” atau “Satu untuk Semua, tetapi Semua untuk Satu”.

But Ki Hajar Dewantara's very famous writing is "If I were a Dutchman" or in Dutch entitled "Als ik een Nederlander was". Ki Hajar Dewantara's work was published in a newspaper called De Expres led by Douwes Dekker on July 13, 1913. This article by Ki Hajar Dewantara was a very harsh criticism for Dutch East Indies officials. Examples of excerpts from the article include the following.

"If I were a Dutchman, I would not have held independence parties in a country which we have taken our own independence for. Equivalent to that way of thinking, this is not only unfair, but it is also not appropriate to ask the indigenous population to make a donation to fund the celebration. The idea of ​​holding an independence celebration alone was an insult, and now we are also digging the pockets of the natives. Come on, it's okay, just carry on with that inner and outer insult! If I were a Dutchman, an aspect that could offend me and my compatriots was the fact that the natives were obliged to participate in financing a celebration that had no interest or connection to him at all ".

Initially, some high-ranking officials of the Dutch East Indies doubted that this article was actually written by young Ki Hajar Dewantara himself. Because the style and content of the articles tend to be different from the articles so far. Even though it was true that young Ki Hajar Dewantara wrote, the Dutch East Indies officials believed that there was a possibility that Douwes Dekker influenced young Ki Hajar Dewantara to write critically like that.

Because of this article, Ki Hajar Dewantara was arrested on orders from the Governor General of Idenburg and then will be exiled to Bangka Island. In accordance with Ki Hajar Dewantara's request. But two of Ki Hajar Dewantara's colleagues, Douwes Dekker and Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, protested against this decision and eventually the three of them were even exiled to the Netherlands in 1913. These three figures became known as "Tiga Serangkai". Young Ki Hajar Dewantara at that time was still 24 years old.

Exile of Ki Hajar Dewantara in the Netherlands

When exiled in the Netherlands, Ki Hajar Dewantara joined an organization that became a forum for Indonesian students. The organization is called Indische Vereeniging or which in Indonesian is known as the Indies Association. In 1913, Ki Hajar Dewantara founded a press bureau called Indonesisch Pers-bureau which in Indonesian means Indonesian news agency. This is the first time this is the formal use of the Indonesian term. This Indonesian term was coined in 1850 by a linguist from England named George Windsor Earl and a legal expert from Scotland named James Richardson Logan.

This is where Ki Hajar Dewantara then started his dream of improving the quality of the natives by studying education. Until finally managed to get the Europeesche Deed. Europeesche Akta is a diploma in the field of education that is of high value and will later become the basis for starting the educational institution he founded. In this lifetime, Ki Hajar Dewantara was interested in some of the thoughts of a number of educational figures from the Western world. For example, like Montesseri and Frobel, the education movement in South Asian countries, especially India, was led by the Tagore family. This thought influenced and underlies Ki Hajar Dewantara in developing his education rules later.

Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara: Ki Hajar Dewantara in Exile

Discussing about the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara during his exile in the Netherlands was actually not alone, but accompanied by his two friends, namely Douwes Dekker and also Tjipto Mangunkusumo, this exile was carried out in 1913. During this exile, Soewardi was also active in an organization, namely Indische Vereeniging or the Association of the Indies whose contents are students who come from Indonesia and in the same year he also founded a news agency, namely Indonesiach pers bureau or what is known as the Indonesian News Agency.

With regard to the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara, Soewardi started his goal of advancing the natives by learning about education until later they succeeded in getting an education certificate or certificate, so that the deed or diploma could be used as a basis for establishing educational institutions that had already been established. the establishment of it. In his studies, he was then fascinated by the ideas of a number of Western education figures, including Montessori and Froebel, from these influences then made him develop his own education system.

Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara: Early Return to Indonesia

After his return to Indonesia, in September 1919 he then immediately joined the school under the guidance of his own brother, so that Soewardi had experience in teaching, armed with his experience in teaching then he began to develop the concept of teaching for the school he founded himself, which is around on July 3, 1992, this school was named the National Onderwijs Institut Tamansiswa or better known as the Tamansiswa National College, at that time Soewardi was already 40 years old. It was at that age that he then changed his name to Ki Hadjar Dewantara and did not use a knighthood in front of his name.

Even the slogan used in the education system is known in Indonesian education circles, which reads 'ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani.' which means "in front of giving an example, in the middle of giving encouragement, behind giving encouragement." This motto is still known in Indonesian education, especially in elementary schools.


Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara: Devotion during Indonesia's Independence

Discussing about the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara is certainly incomplete without knowing his role when the Indonesian state has entered the phase of independence, because this is a very important part, his contribution is very large in the development of education in Indonesia. In the first cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia, Ki Hajar Dewantara was immediately appointed as the Indonesian Teaching Minister. In the biographical notes of Ki Hajar Dewantara in 1957, he received an honorary doctorate from the oldest university in Indonesia, namely Gadjah Mada University.

For his services in pioneering general education, he was then given the title Father of Indonesian National Education and then his birthday, November 28, 1959, was made or designated as the National Education Day.


Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara: connecting the common threads of civilization

According to records in the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara when he received his honorary doctorate from Gadjah Mada University, he once gave a speech. He said that the Dutch-style education that had been given to the indigenous people was not in accordance with the ideals of the Indonesian nation because it only concerned a few aspects, including intellectual, individual, material and colonial interests, also did not contain ideals Indonesian national culture. even after the colonial period ended, the education system of the Indonesian people at that time was still strongly influenced by the former Dutch colonialism. Reviewing the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara is of course very important to get to know the developments in education in Indonesia at that time.

Indonesia has had a very long roots or history of education since going through the colonial period until now it has entered the era of globalization. Even education in Indonesia itself has actually experienced the heyday of science. In Ki Hajar Dewantara's biographical notes, this is also very much discussed. Indonesian education was quite advanced during the kingdom era, it was clearly seen during the days of the Kutai kingdom in East Kalimantan, the Tarumanegara Kingdom to the Kalingga Kingdom and also the Sriwijaya Kingdom, until then it entered the colonial period of the nations, so education in Indonesia experienced a setback or ignorance. .

In the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara also stated that when the Indonesian nation had entered the colonial period there was fooling everywhere, because in fact many of the various kinds of unique knowledge originating from the archipelago were actually taken and also studied by the colonizers, especially in the Netherlands. In the previous biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara, it was also mentioned that during his exile to the Netherlands he studied a lot more, there then developed an ideology that studied Indonesian culture, language and literature.

Even though the Dutch learned a lot about the Indonesian state, the Indonesian people as colonized here did not get anything, because the Dutch were fooling, they did not provide any knowledge to the Indonesian people, it was different during the British colonial period. If we look at the condition of education at that time, there was no effort in developing the existing education. so that when Ki Hajar Dewantara came and made many important contributions, he played a very important role in the advancement of the Indonesian nation's education.

Biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara: Some of Ki Hajar Dewantara's Thoughts About Education

He is indeed known as a figure who has an important role in the progress of education in Indonesia, so that there are a lot of thoughts related to this education, not only in the early days of independence, but also after independence he also has a very large contribution. Especially when the Indonesian nation faced the chaos of education that occurred during the reform era and also globalization.

The points of his thoughts are in the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara, in this first part he sees education from an atropological perspective, namely how citizens pass on their cultural heritage to younger generations and also by maintaining their social order. In the biographical note of Ki Hajar Dewantara, he stated that "Education is the nursery for all the seeds of culture that live in a national society." So in the future all kinds of elements of civilization will continue to grow and be passed on to their children and grandchildren.

In the second part of Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography, it is stated that national education must be based on the life line of the nation and aimed at the needs of life, so that later this can raise the status of the country and also its people. So that with an equal position it will be appropriate to cooperate with other countries for the glory of all human beings around the world. Here it is known that he is a figure who really appreciates pluralism or pluralism, even has futuristic thoughts.

When viewed from the biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara, the education system that was initiated by him is an education system that is responsive and also able to respond to the global world order. So that what is happening today seems to have been predicted by Ki Hajar Dewantara in the past, namely by the concept of national education that he initiated. Among the educational systems that are initiated are continuity, convergence and also concentricity. This principle is used to change the paradigm and also the mindset in responding to a diversity of national and international cultures.

This third part is the final item of Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography where it is stated that he also views the importance of character. According to him, western-style education is only oriented towards intellectuality, materialism and individualism, but not with character and does not fit the needs or features of the Indonesian people.

Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography states that he also thinks that education is not enough only to make children smart and also superior in cognitive aspects, but also must develop all existing potentials such as creativity (cognitive), sense of power (affective) and also initiative (cooperative). So that it must make children become independent figures and have concern for other people, the nation and also humanity. 

Ki Hajar Dewantara: Building a Student Garden

Ki Hajar Dewantara returned to his homeland in September 1919. Soon thereafter he joined his brother's partner school. On July 3, 1922, after gaining experience in teaching, Ki Hajar Dewantara established an educational institution called Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa or in Indonesian, the National Tamansiswa College. The three slogans of Ki Hajar Dewantara in the education system he uses today are well known among students and teaching staff throughout Indonesia.

The three slogans in Javanese read ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani which in Indonesian means the one in front gives an example, the one in the middle gives encouragement or support, the one in the back gives encouragement. Of course all students are very familiar with the meaning of Tut Wuri Handayani. This slogan is still used in the education world of the Indonesian people today. Especially in the Tamansiswa College.

Ki Hajar Dewantara's Career After Indonesian Independence

After Indonesia's independence, in the first cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia, Ki Hajar Dewantara was appointed the first Indonesian Minister of Teaching. In 1957 he received an honorary doctorate or doctoral honoris causa from Gadjah Mada University. Because Ki Hajar Dewantara was very instrumental in pioneering general education. In addition, he was declared the Father of Indonesian National Education and his birthday on May 2 was made National Education Day celebrated every year. Ki Hajar Dewantara breathed his last in Yogyakarta on April 26, 1959. He was buried in Taman Wijaya Brata.

For more details, all readers can see the video below about the journey or biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara

My video about biography of Ki Hajar Dewantara

🌈🌈Part 2

Biography (Sir Isaac Newton)

Biography of Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton is considered to be the greatest and most influential scientist in the world, he was born in Woolsthrope, England, right on Christmas day in 1642, to coincide with the year of Galileo’s death.

Like the Prophet Muhammad, he was born after his father died. He was a follower of the heliocentric school and was a scientist who was very influential throughout history, even he was said to be the father of modern physics

Childhood History

Sir Isaac Newton was born in the town of Woolsthorpeby Colsterworth, hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire. He was born prematurely, at which time premature babies were not expected to be present in the world. His father, Robert Newton, died three months before Isaac Newton was born.

Two years later his mother, Hannah Ayscough Newton, married another man and left Newton with his grandmother. Newton is a smart kid. Newton started school when he lived with his grandmother in the village. Then he was sent to a language school in the Grantham area where he eventually became the smartest child in his school.


While attending Grantham, he lived in a hostel owned by a local pharmacist named William Clarke. Before he continued his studies at Cambridge University at the age of 19, Newton had a love affair with foster sister William Clarke, namely Anne Storer. When Newton focused on his studies, his love story then became increasingly erratic and eventually Storerre married someone else.

Many have claimed that Newton, always remembers his love story even though it was never further mentioned that Newton had a lover and was even married. Since he was 12 years old to 17 years old, Newton was educated at The Kings School located in Grantham and even his signature was still in the school library. His family expelled Newton from school on the grounds that he would become a farmer.

Although Newton does not seem to like his new job. But in the end after convincing the family and also his mother with the help of his uncle and teacher. Newton was able to finish school at the age of 18 with satisfactory grades. When he was growing up, his mother took him out of school in the hope that his son could become a good farmer. Fortunately the mother can be persuaded, that her main talent does not lie there.

When he was 18 years old he entered Cambridge University. It was there that Newton was briefly able to absorb what was taught which later became known for science and mathematics and could also quickly begin his own investigation.


Newtonian Science

Between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-seven years Sir Isaac Newton had laid the foundations of scientific theories which in turn succeeded in changing the world. The middle of the 17th century was a period of scientific seed.

The discovery of close star binoculars at the beginning of the century has completely overhauled opinions about astronomy. A British philosopher Francis, Bacon and French philosopher Rene Descartes both called on scientists throughout Europe to no longer rely on the power of Aristotle. But to conduct experiments and also research on the basis of starting points and their own needs. What was stated by Bacon and Descartes, has been practiced by the great Galileo. The use of binoculars is a new discovery in astronomical research by Newton has revolutionized investigations in the field, and conducted by him in the mechanics sector has produced what is now known as the “Newton’s laws of motion”.

Sir Isaac Newton’s Gravity Theory

With a variety of scientific work that has been achieved by him, Newton then wrote a book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. The book is described in general about gravity theory, based on the laws of motion discovered by it. Explained that the object will be pulled down because of the force of gravity. In collaboration with Gottfried Leibniz, Newton developed the theory of calculus. Newton was the first to explain the theory of motion and was instrumental in formulating circular motion from Kepler’s law.

Sir Isaac Newton also extended the law by assuming that a circular motion orbit does not have to always be in the form of a perfect circle or like an ellipse, hyperbole and parabola.

Finding the Color Spectrum

Newton discovered the color spectrum when he conducted experiments by passing white light on a prism, he also believed that light is a collection of particles. Newton also developed the law of cooling derived from binomial theory, and he also discovered the principle of momentum and angular momentum.

While arranging it in a theory that allows the development of more scientific predictions. None other than Isaac Newton was the one who was able to present a collection of theories that were neatly summarized and laid the first stone of modern science which is now a role model for everyone.

Sir Isaac Newton’s Inventions

  • Reflector Telescope

And he also very carefully did an analysis of the consequences of the law of reflection and refraction of light. Sticking to that law, he in 1668 designed and at the same time built the first reflection binoculars, the model of binoculars used by most of the current star investigators.

  • Newton’s Reflector Telescope

This discovery, together with the results obtained by him in the field of optical experiments he had demonstrated, was presented by him to the British royal research institute when he was twenty-nine years old. Newton’s success in the field of optics alone might be said to be sufficient to put Newton on the order of the list of the 100 most influential people in the world. Meanwhile there are still less important discoveries in the field of pure mathematics and in the field of mechanics.

  • Integral Calculus

His greatest offering in mathematics is his discovery of “integral calculus” which he might have solved when he was twenty-three or twenty-four years old. This discovery is the most important work in the field of modern mathematics. Not only for example the seeds from which modern mathematical theory grows, but also the inevitable furnishings without which the progress of modern knowledge that comes after is impossible.

But Newton’s most important discoveries were in the field of mechanics, knowledge about the movement of things. Galileo was the first inventor of the law to describe the motion of an object if it was not influenced by outside forces.

Of course basically all of these objects are influenced by external forces and also the most important issue in mechanical matters is how objects move in that state.

  • Newton’s Law of Motion

This problem was successfully solved by Newton in his second and most famous law of motion and could be considered the most important classical law of physics. The second law is mathematically translated by the equation F = m.a. And determine that the object’s acceleration is equal to the net force divided by the mass of the object.

To these two laws Newton added to his famous third law of motion by asserting that in every action, for example physical strength, there was an equal reaction to the opposite. And also the most famous of his discoveries about the scientific rules of universal gravity law.

The four sets of laws, when combined, will form a unitary system that applies to all macro mechanical systems, ranging from the shaking of the pendulum to the motion of planets in their orbits around the sun that can be monitored and their movements can also be predicted or predicted. Newton not only determined the laws of mechanics, but he himself also used a mathematical calculus tool, and showed that these fundamental formulas could be used for solving problems or problems.

Newton’s law can and has been used on a broad scale in the scientific field as well as in the field of designing various technical equipment. In his lifetime, the most dramatic practice is in the field of astronomy. In this sector Newton stood at the front. In 1678 Newton published his famous or famous book The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy which are usually summarized with Principia only.

Newton also put forward his theories regarding the law of gravity and about the law of motion. He also showed how these laws can be used to estimate precisely how the planets move around the sun. The main problem in astronomical movements is how to estimate an exact position and also the motion of stars and planets. Thus successfully solved entirely by Newton who only took one shot. Based on his works that Newton is often regarded as the greatest astronomer of all the greatest. Newton also made a major contribution in the field of thermodynamics or the investigation of heat and in the field of acoustics namely the science of sound.

Newton is also the one who has presented a crystal-clear explanation of the principles of physics regarding “preserving” the amount of motion so as not to be wasted and “preserving” the amount of motion of something angled.

Newton’s Binomial

Newton is also someone who has found binomial propositions in mathematics that are very logical and can be justified.

Sir Isaac Newton’s tomb

He, too, was the first to express conclusively about the origin of the stars. Newton last breathed in 1727, and he was buried in Westminster Abbey.

For more details, all readers can see the video below about the journey or biography of Sir Isaac Newton

My video about biography of Sir Isaac Newton

So many explanations from my blog, hopefully useful. Thank you💙💙😉😉🌷🌷

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