Selasa, 27 Juli 2021

Application Letter Part 3


πŸ’Œ Application Letters πŸ’Œ

Hello everyone, back again with Yuli's blog. This time I will explain about the job application letter in full. how curious right? If so, let's see my explanation.

Understanding Job Application Letters

A job application letter is a letter from someone who needs a job to an official who can provide a job or position. Through a cover letter, the applicant requests that he or she be given a job. A job application letter can also be interpreted as a letter from a prospective employee to a prospective employer containing a request that the employee be given a job by the prospective employer. A job application letter is usually formal or official, for example a letter to apply for a job as an employee or a certain position according to the advertisement offered. In this case, the applicant in his application letter needs to mention the source of the application in the opening paragraph or paragraph. If the application is not based on a source, it is certainly not necessary to mention the source in the opening paragraph.

A job application letter is a letter from a person who needs a job (applicant) to a person or official of an organization/institution who can provide a job or position. A job application letter can also be defined as a letter from a prospective employee to a prospective employer containing a request that the prospective employee be given a job by the prospective employer. In general, a person who needs a job will submit an application after he/she obtains information about vacancies usually obtained from friends, acquaintances, or through newspaper advertisements, the internet and other mass media. In addition, a person can also apply by trial and error without knowing whether or not there are job vacancies at the institution he is applying for.

For the two conditions above, two models of job application letters can be made as follows.

  • Job application letter combined with curriculum vitae. In this model, the curriculum vitae is the content of the letter. Because the content is a combination of a job application letter with a curriculum vitae, this model can also be called a combined model.
  • A separate job application letter from the curriculum vitae. In this model the curriculum vitae is an appendix. Therefore this model is also called a separate model.

In practice, what is widely used is a separate model. Even though it requires "twice work". writing a cover letter first, then writing a curriculum vitae - but this type of application letter is more popular with job seekers because the letter is not long. The combined model is also considered less practical because the letter is too long. Actually, behind this weakness, there are advantages of the combined model, namely the presentation of complete information about the applicant because the curriculum vitae is also the content of the letter. The combined model of application letter is not suitable for applications based on advertisements because there are usually so many people who apply so that the official handling the application often does not have time to read the long letter containing the curriculum vitae On the other hand, if you apply by trial and error, the combined model is more suitable with the assumption that the personnel in the personnel department have more time to read the non-collective letter.

Job Application Letter Function

Below are some of the functions of a job application letter, namely:

1. As written evidence for submitting a job application letter 
Through this application letter, applicants write their identity directly, and attachments in the form of a diploma as proof of having graduated from school, photocopy of ID card, photo, and curriculum vitae. In addition, the signature is a form of the author's responsibility for what he wrote.

2. As a medium or means of communication
in the application letter there are several attachments, such as ID cards, recent diplomas, work experience, and others. The recipient 

3. As a consideration for job acceptance
In general, companies that require new employees with positions that are quite important in certain agencies or companies have a lot of considerations and even tests are carried out strictly to hire more qualified prospective employees.

Types of Job Application Letters

According to the type of creation, job application letters are divided into two, namely:

  • Job application letter combined with curriculum vitae. In this way, the curriculum vitae includes the contents of the letter because its contents are combined, this method is also called the combined model.
  • Cover letter separated from curriculum vitae. In this way the curriculum vitae is an appendix and this method is called a separate model.

In practice, the most widely used is a separate model. Although it requires two times of work to make, this model is preferred by job seekers because the letter is not too long.

Elements of a Job Application Letter

A good application letter must at least have the following characteristics:

1.     have an interesting shape

2.     have an interesting language

3.     Describe the applicant's abilities

4.     Right on target

The things that must be included in the job application letter in order to achieve the purpose of making it include:

  • Mention the source of the application
  • Complete identification of the applicant

Complete self-identification of the applicant includes full name, place and date of birth, telephone number, complete address, mobile phone or other communication aids. Self-identification of the applicant must make it easier for the company to contact the applicant.

1.     Desired position

2.     Employment history (if any)

3.     educational background

4.     Other abilities possessed

5.     Reference

There are several things that must be considered when writing an application letter, which are as follows:

  • The cover letter is handwritten on folio size lined paper. The writing must also be clear, clean, and also free of scribbles. Application letters can be made using a typewriter or computer.
  • Applicants mention themselves not with pronouns such as we but me. Applicants must refer to the head of the institution as Mr / Ms (if the leader is clear). if it is still not clear, can directly mention the position.

Curriculum Vitae and Writing Techniques

Curriculum vitae is a brief record of a person's self-image. In addition to containing personal data, the description must at least include information about education/skills and experiences. With that data, the curriculum vitae will reflect a picture of a person's abilities and qualifications.


In appearance, the curriculum vitae does not have a standard format. What is clear, a curriculum vitae is written like a short essay, starting with the title and closing with a series of dates, signatures, and names. The presence of a signature and name makes a curriculum vitae classified as a letter and classified as a certificate, in this case personal information.


The contents of the curriculum vitae can be grouped into five sub-headings, namely:

1.     Personal data.

2.     Work experience.

3.     Personal reference.

4.     Another description.

Personal references in the curriculum vitae may or may not be included:

🌳🌳Personal data

The information that needs to be included in the personal data should be the most important. Remember, this curriculum vitae is made for the purpose of applying for a job, not for screening to enter a military academy, not for obtaining a passport or visa to go abroad. If for urgent purposes like that , the personal data that is requested to be filled in the form that has been provided is certainly more detailed and detailed.

Personal data included in the curriculum vitae includes name, birth (place and date of birth), gender, marital status, identity (KTP number, driver's license, or passport), and address of citizenship, ethnicity, religion, height and weight, inclusion of adjusted in advance to the situation and conditions. However, if applying for a model, model, or other special personnel, then the height and weight need to be stated. However, if applying for regular employees, the funds are not needed at all. Fat or thin, tall or short, is not a consideration at all, what matters is his ability. The same is true of ethnicity and religion. If it is listed it will have a positive impact, include it. If it's redundant, don't include it.


To write a history of education as a subsection of curriculum vitae, it is necessary to note the following order of writing.
1. If the subtitle is written education as a subsection of curriculum vitae, it is necessary to pay attention to the order of writing as follows.

  • In 2008 he graduated from the University of Indonesia in law.
  • In 2003, he graduated from SMA Negeri 8, Jakarta.
  • In 2000, he graduated from SMP Muhammadiyah 24, Jakarta

2. If the subtitle is written a history of education, the order of writing must start from the lowest education, then followed by higher education, because the word history contains a chronological meaning so that the writing must follow the order of time.


  • In 2000, he graduated from SMP Negeri 18, Yogyakarta.
  • In 2003, he graduated from STM Pembangunan, Jakarta.
  • In 2007 he graduated with a degree in civil engineering, Taruma Negara University, Jakarta.

3. If you have attended non-formal education in addition to formal education, write down formal education first.
  • In 2004 graduated from SMK Negeri IV, Cirebon
  • In 2007 graduated D-3 Jayabaya Accounting Academy, Jakarta
  • In 2005 graduated from PPIA English course, Jakarta

4. If you have attended education abroad as well as at home, write down your domestic education first.


  • In 1997, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in economics from Pancasila University, Jakarta.
  • In 1999, he graduated from Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma, USA.

🌳🌳Work experience

Applicants who already have work experience can include it in their curriculum vitae. The experiences are arranged chronologically, each starting with mentioning when you worked (from what year to what year), what you served, at what company, where, and why you stopped working from that place (if the applicant quit on good terms).

  • Example (1) :
    March 2001 to September 2004, Cashier at PT Budi Mulia, Jalan Andalas No. 10, Bandung. Stopped following her husband's move to Jakarta.
  • Example (2) :
    May 2001 to August 2006, administrative staff at Lawyer's Office JB Mamuaya, SH Jalan Kenanga No.35, Central Jakarta.
    October 2000 to January 2004, Accounting Assistant at PT Astra Graphia, Jalan Kramat Raya No. 41, Central Jakarta. Stopped due to study abroad.

🌳🌳Personal Reference

Referred to as reference is information from a certain person about the applicant. In the application letter or in his curriculum vitae, the applicant can designate the name of a particular person as a reference. People who can be appointed as references when applying for jobs are former bosses, former lecturers/teachers, or close friends (colleagues). These people can explain from their point of view according to their respective positions, who the applicant is, how his life is, what his achievements are, how honest he is, and other things he wants to know about the office official he is applying for. As far as possible the person appointed as a reference is someone who is older than the applicant. If possible, the rank and position is quite high. The best references are “insiders” (office employees who are applying for). Parents (father/mother), family members, relatives, husband/wife, references may not be submitted.


In practice, the party who needs the reference has prepared a blank or form to be filled out by the person giving the reference. In fact, more than that usually the party requesting the reference also provides an envelope with the stamp. The destination address has already been typed. put it in an envelope, then mail it. If the reference request is not accompanied by a form, the referrer can create his own version of the reference letter.

🌳🌳Other Description

Data that cannot be included in the existing subtitle, can be grouped into a separate subtitle, namely other information. This section can include information about special skills, such as mastery of certain foreign languages, ownership of certificates, personal interests, possession of driver's licenses, and so on. All data included in other information is something that is not obtained through formal education, but through experience or through courses that are classified as non-formal education. The information to be included should be relevant to the field being applied for. If the applicant's interests conflict with the field being applied for, it is best not to list those interests.


Job Application Letter Systematics

As stated earlier, the application to work in a place really depends on the type of vacancy of each. However, all types of job application letters have the same basic form, framework, systematic, or structure. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture Team, the systematics of job application letters include: Place and date of making the letter, attachments and items, mailing address, opening greeting, opening paragraph, content, closing, closing greeting, signature and full name. Below is an explanation of each systematic section of a job application letter.

πŸ’—πŸ’—Place and date of writing

To find out when and where the cover letter was made. This section is usually placed in the upper right corner without a period, because it is not a sentence.

πŸ’•πŸ’•Attachments and things
Informing how many attachments are included, for example the application is equipped with the identity and qualifications of the applicant as many as 4 sheets, then an example is as follows:
Attachment: Four sheets
Subject : Notice

In order to be a good and correct cover letter, do not abbreviate the attachment to "lamp" or “lamp”.

πŸ’•πŸ’•Mailing address

Of course, what is meant is the address to which the application letter is sent, which means it will contain the recipient and the address of the institution. Here are some things to consider when writing a mailing address in a job application.

  • A job application letter is an official letter, meaning that we are not writing to just someone, therefore, a correct job application letter will not use "To".
  • The address should be no more than three lines to shorten the content of the letter.
  • The position does not use gender titles such as father or mother.
  • The description of the text "Street" in the address should not be abbreviated.
  • Mailing addresses are not sentences, so don't use periods at the end of each line.

It is a greeting or salutation that usually begins with "Sincerely," to begin a formal job application letter.
For example:
Yours faithfully,
Through this letter, I submit an application to become Administrative Staff at PT. Independent Success.


πŸ’•πŸ’•Opening Paragraph

Is the main paragraph to state the self-statement. That is, if the job advertisement includes a request for applicants who are new graduates or fresh graduates , and we happen to be new graduates, we can include them indirectly here.

In other words, the opening paragraph can be the main bridge of dialogue between a job application letter and a job advertisement. This is important so that the institution or company that we apply to feels valued because we don't just make the same cover letter for all companies.

For example, here are examples of job advertisements and job application letter opening greetings that have a good dialogue with these advertisements.

Job Ads:

  • Sukses Mandiri opens job vacancies to fill junior administrative staff positions. Preferably fresh graduate , hard worker, and have educational background in business management, office administration, or informatics. 

Example of an Opening Paragraph (a correct opening sentence for a cover letter):

Yours faithfully,

Based on the needs listed in the job vacancies that I obtained through the internet, I am ready to work hard and have the relevant qualifications, because I have just graduated from Vocational High School in the field of Office Administration expertise.



The contents of a job application letter consist of the following.

1.   Identity in the
form of name, place of birth date, address, last education and other things can be added according to the need to apply. In writing the description, the first letter of the word uses lowercase letters.

for example: name : Nitriana Safitri
Place of birth : Bandung, January 25, 1999
Last education : S-1 Biology Education
Address : Jl. Mouse Deer 32, Coblong, Bandung, 40257

2.   The intent and purpose
is a description of the reason for the sender or applicant to write the letter.

3.   Stating the attachment of a
job vacancy will ask for several required documents including diplomas, identity cards, to passport photos, etc.


In closing, job applicants should show enthusiasm or hope for the intended job.
Thus this job application letter I made. I really hope to be able to join and be a part of the company.


If there is an opening greeting at the beginning, of course at the end of the letter it must be completed using a closing greeting. The closing greeting can be as simple as:


πŸ’•πŸ’•Signature and full name

This is useful to inform that the applicant actually wrote the application on his own volition. This section is affixed just below the closing greeting. 

For example:

Yours faithfully,
Nitrina Safitri


Linguistic Elements of a Job Application Letter

The Ministry of Education and Culture Team (2017, p. 30) a correct job application letter will follow several linguistic elements which include the following points.

  1. Use good and correct language
  2. Use polite words
  3. Using a clear, concise and informative introduction, and right on target.
  4. Keep writing clean, easy to read, according to spelling rules.
  5. Completing the parts of the letter with the norms of the letter's language, such as: writing the elements of thing, place/date, address, greeting, body of letter, closing greeting, signature, and first name

So, in general, it can be said that the rules or linguistic features of a job application letter are very simple and include:

  1. The choice of greeting words is formal.
  2. Standard variety language.
  3. The word chosen contains the actual or denotative (not figurative) meaning.
  4. Using general statement sentences, for example: Based on the information I got from the job fair of the Karawang Manpower and Transmigration Office, your company has opened job vacancies for several positions.
  5. Using a statement of argumentation, for example: to complete some of the required data and as a material for consideration by Mr/Mrs leadership in the future, I also attach the following completeness of personal data.
  6. Using a statement of affirmation, for example: Thus this application for a job application letter I make truthfully and honestly. Thank you for the attention and cooperation of Mr. / Mrs. leadership.

7 Careful Steps to Write a Job Application Interested by the Company

🌷🌷#1 Good and Correct Writing Format

Many mistakes made by job applicants when writing application letters, namely the wrong writing format and not in accordance with the EYD which can also be seen for references on LinkedIn. This should be done both when writing a job application letter using a computer or via email.  Some rules of writing format are usually also determined by the company, for example in writing the subject and body text of emails. Therefore, pay attention to the rules and conditions issued by the company when announcing job vacancies. While the writing format for sending letters should be written using a single space , then make the writing aligned to the left. And don't forget to write down the most important part, namely the head or letterhead and also the writing format on the envelope.


🌷🌷#2 Avoid Typos, Scribbles, or Deleted Marks

The most important mistakes that must be considered when writing sentences in a job application letter are typos and scribbles. These two factors greatly influence the company in assessing character, especially in terms of accuracy and prudence. If there are scribbles or typos, your reputation can be assessed negatively. You can even be judged as undisciplined, messy, and unable to work properly. Avoid it especially if you write it via email . In order to be really thorough, the job application letter needs to be checked many times to find typos. Meanwhile, if you made the mistake when writing the cover letter manually, then you should replace the paper. Do not scribble or erase writing with the ink eraser. Therefore, do it slowly and carefully to start writing. If the job application letter typed, make sure not one of clicking the input data themselves.


🌷🌷#3 Use Clear and Simple Language

When sharing your interests in a job application letter, you should not be too ambitious and display an elegant attitude in your writing. Use language and sentences to the point , not long-winded, and can be understood by readers easily. Just briefly describe yourself with the suitability of the job position applied for. The writing format of the opening sentence in the letter should contain a simple and elegant greeting for the company. Make sure you write down where the job vacancy information from the company is obtained. And clearly state the intended party in the position of the head of the section or division. Information about experience and abilities in accordance with the job position applied for can be written briefly in the body of the letter. At the end, don't forget to write a closing in the form of greetings and a request to be accepted at the company.


🌷🌷#4 Don't “pick up” posts from the internet

One thing that becomes a dangerous step if you do it, is to copy and paste the writing or the contents of a job application letter from the internet. It is very important to write a job application letter yourself because this document is a self-representation. If you're just doing a search to find out about writing the right body of a job application letter, it's certainly not a problem. You can take some paraphrases if needed but don't plagiarize them. Write according to the characteristics of a standard, good, and correct style of language.


🌷🌷#5 Explain Your Strengths

Some people may experience a very high phase of low self-esteem when applying for a job, especially if they continue to experience rejection. This can make him unable to believe in himself because he is too afraid to be called arrogant or even feels he can't do anything. This symptom is called imposter syndrome , and it will be dangerous if this symptom strikes someone when applying for a job. Get rid of those fears, and make sure you have high enough confidence to explain your strengths. Especially in the job position that is being applied for. It's even better if you attach some certificates as proof of these abilities.


🌷🌷#6 Do a Simulation Interview

Look for information in general, it can be through the internet or the opinions of other people around you who have experience when applying for jobs. The information is related to what things will be asked during the interview. This method will make it easier to add important points to the job application letter. The important point overall is information about your strengths, as explained earlier. Also mention the benefits that the company can get if you are accepted.


🌷🌷#7 Know the exact steps to get a job

The rules applied by the company are very important for you to understand. In a written job application letter, you should be able to show your strengths, especially in terms of discipline, obedience to company rules, and neatness. Make sure your confidence is seen in every sentence written on a job application letter. Don't hesitate, but don't be too ambitious either. Just act normal, to be judged as a professional.That way, the company will give you the opportunity to get the job position that matches your dreams.


wow, how friends with the material that I convey? it's fun. For further friends, you can see the video about the job application letter below

After the video, I have more material. do you guys want to know what it is? Well of course now I want to give an example of a job application letter, let's look at the example

Example of an English Job Application Letter

🌈🌈Sample English Job Application Letter for Hotel

🌞🌞Sample of an English Job Application Letter for a Secretary Position

🌸🌸Sample English Job Application Letter for Accountants Akun 

After the video, I want to attach a job application letter that I have made myself. Let's see my cover letter.

Here's a job vacancy that I will make a job application letter

Here's a job application letter that I made:

Jakarta, Juli 28rd  2021

Attention to:
Head Manager Company Pedro
ADB Ave, Pasig City

Dear Sir or Madam,

Based on information from the internet about the existence of job vacancies in the company where you lead. So through this cover letter I would like to apply for a job in the company owned by Mr. / Mrs. leadership to fill the position of Sales Engineer which is currently being needed.

I have good communication skills. I am self-motivated, assertive and hardworking. I have a positive hard working attitude, adaptable and can work well under pressure. My educational background is also a graduate of architecture from the University of Indonesia. I want to develop and get a better career at Company Pedro and I hope to be qualified enough to get this job. For consideration, I include my curriculum vitae.

I, the undersigned below:

name : Yulianti Novita Sari

place, date of birth: Muara Sabak, May 30, 2004
female gender
last education: S1 architecture
address : Jalan Kampung Rawa No. 8 Jakarta
phone number / cellphone: 0895332464498
email :

Thus this application letter I made with the actual data. I hope to be accepted in the company that you lead. For your attention and policy, I thank you.

Signature (Hardcopy)
Yulianti Novita Sari


Well, that's the job application letter I've made. How about my cover letter? of course it's good. Ok this time I want to continue to make Curriculum Vitae (CV). Let's see my CVπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

last, I want to do practice questions from my teacher. Yes, I have practice questions on page 27 part E from moduleπŸ“–πŸ“Œ

My Video

Here's my video about job application letter material

The following is an explanation video from me about the job application letter and curriculum vitae that I have made

That's the explanation from Yuli's blog, hopefully readers can understand and get the benefits. Thank you all for reading my blog. I love you so much πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸ’—πŸ’—

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